How We Compare (Countdown)
BY Answering Specialists Inc. / February 20, 2025
One rarely finds a phone answering service company to be a good match without first identifying the differences the company has from the rest.
Join us in our count down from our email campaign listing what features we excel in compared to other offerings!
#9 – Full Access to Phone Records
Other companies keep you guessing as to how they came up with what they are billing you. At Answering Specialists, we practice fair and square billing practices, which means you will see directly how your month’s activity generated the invoice you received. Through our online dash board, you will have full access in detail to all activity on your account!
#8 – After-Hours, Weekends, Holidays Included
Other companies will either charge you extra or they will not answer your phones after 8pm, nor on the weekends or holidays. With us, it’s all included at no extra charge!
#7 – All Calls Recorded
Other companies don’t record the call, so it becomes a “he said, she said” when a customer complains. With Answering Specialists, you can verify anytime how a call was handled, whether it be for quality control or for verification of what a customer agreed to. It’s all there at your finger tips!
#6 – Instant Message Delivery
Other companies will deliver messages delayed and sometimes not at all, regardless how important. With Answering Specialists your messages will be delivered — IMMEDIATELY! No delay. No messages missed. As soon as the message is taken, the message is sent. You can get your messages via email, text, or even fax. Messages are also stored on your online account that you have access to 24/7. So if you want to see who called you last week or what they were calling about, a historical search will immediately bring it to you. All of this is included at no extra cost!
To Be Continued – Check Back Every Two Weeks!